It just got Real to Reel

This one left me very verklempt. Witch Hunt is a documentary about a group of men and women who were falsely accused and convicted of molesting their own and other people’s children in Bakersfield, California in the 1980’s. The District Attorney decided to aggressively pursue child molestation cases and Child Protective Services and the courts went along.

To say that lives were destroyed is an understatement. The film focuses not just on the accused and their families, but also the children who were coerced into giving false testimony and the effect it’s had on their own parenting.

There is usually a moment during TIFF documentaries when I realize that the subjects of the film are probably in the theatre, and it makes the experience even more poignant. So, it was somewhat overwhelming when about a dozen or so of the people who were in the movie were introduced and called up to the stage.

No affiliation whatsoever

This is not an official TIFF site. If it was I would not have to wait in so many lineups with my festival knapsack full of water, snacks, sunscreen and other supplies.


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